Porcupine quill picker Medium


10 in stock

SKU: MED-QUILL-003 Category:


Porcupine quill picker large
Porcupine quills

Porcupine quill picker medium, when you often use hand carders or a drum carder, or even just a hair brush, you’ll know the frustration of having to get those little bits of annoying fibre off your brush or carder, or trying to lift a piece of VM from your immaculately carded fluff or pulled top without disturbing your lovely masterpiece and having the fibres coming along too… That’s when you need a perfect picker!

And picture this, your bat is pulled snugly around your drum carder, but there’s that annoying bit of second cut or nep staring at you, playing hide and seek – it’s just too small and tight to get your fingers in there, or even your picker tool. Quill to the rescue! It serves as a perfect laying tool if you’re an avid embroiderer, tailor or quilter too! Try turning fabric corners without one, then use a quill for the next one… Perfect corners! Once you have one, you won’t imagine how you ever got around without it! I have them on hand everywhere… The Tiny ones even serve as a diz hook!

Porcupine quills also available in Large, Small and Tiny.

Fingernails are fab tools, but quills are quintessential!

Additional information

Weight 1 g
Porcupine quill picker - Medium

'Porcupine quill picker' 'Medium quill'

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